James Giddy | The Artist 

Since completing his Bachelor of Arts at Curtin University in 2016, Perth artist James Giddy has made a name for himself both nationally and internationally as an artist well-known for his creative interpretation of regional landscapes presented as street murals.

Webb & Brown-Neaves recently commissioned Giddy to produce a mural at our display home, The Highline. This artwork pays homage to the home’s New York style design in the form of two artistic pigeons. Giddy worked with WB’s Design Team in creating a piece that would best reflect the home’s style as well as provide a beautiful outlook from every angle.

We spoke with James about his career to date, as well as his journey in creating the artwork, now on display at The Highline.

“I never really thought that I’d be an artist when I was going through school or growing up. It was always encouraged as a hobby and you’re always commended for doing well, but I didn’t know any artists that did it full time,“ he said.

Since being introduced to art at a young age by his grandfather in South Africa, James was encouraged by his family to continue this passion throughout his childhood which ultimately lead him to starting his art career by “accident”.

“I was encouraged by my mum, rather than playing video games, to pick up a pen and pencil and draw something.”

“I fell into the career of being an artist by accident, which is just a series of fortunate events.”

Many of James’ works revolve around the natural environment and expressing emotion through nature. Taking inspiration from his surroundings, James plays with colour, texture and the subjects that he paints to encapsulate his unique creative angle on each piece.

“It creates this more complete conversation with my works here in the city and painting in those environments helps me see my work without any background distractions and for what it is, which helps me improve.”

“I have a soft spot for subjects that often receive a bad wrap, say in Australia, the ibis and seagulls, they’re something everyone is familiar with but don’t really give any attention to. I like to bring them into the spotlight, presenting them with elegance and encouraging the audience to challenge their pre-existing thoughts.”

Travelling around WA and internationally is one of the main reasons why James enjoys his work so much. He explains that living in Western Australia is extremely influential on his practice as there is so much diversity in our own backyard.

“My biggest motivation to continue and pursue painting and art as a career is the lifestyle that comes with it. Doing something that I love and incorporating that aspect of travel and working in different environments with different people and introducing something nice into their lives is what I love the most.”

James worked alongside the WB Design Team when forming the concept for the artwork installation at The Highline. James and the Design Team worked for two years from concept to completion to ensure the artwork made a statement in the home and stood true to James’ style.

“The New York theme was put on the table and I initially came to the idea of a pigeon. These often get a bad wrap in New York, but I think that’s the part of my practice that I really enjoy, bringing an animal and giving it a more glorified position than what they usually get.”

The purples, greens and blues that present in the artwork add a quirkiness and contemporary touch to the space as a welcoming and friendly addition.

Mural artwork is becoming more and more popular in residential building, as it creates architectural interest in a space where there perhaps may have been a lack of.

“Having a mural of some big pigeons is a little point of difference and a big quirk. I’d like it to show some humility and bring joy to people as they walk through.”

James has worked hard to refine his style over the years and feels as though he now has a better understanding of his passion.

“Over the years I’ve definitely refined my style a lot, working in so many different mediums and on so many different platforms has helped me develop a better understanding of light, colour and balance. Just bringing it all together and creating a more dramatic composition which makes my work more compelling which I’m proud of.”

To see more of James Giddy’s artwork visit The Highline at 7 Pollen Grove, Jolimont. Open Saturday & Sunday 12-5pm, Wednesday 2-5pm.

To see more of The Highline click here.