What was once a trend slowly being built out of new homes has quickly re-emerged as one of the most desired features of modern living. The home office has had a resurgence as of late thanks to many businesses opting in to the working from home strategy.

Working from home has proven to be a great tool for businesses as their staff are given more flexibility around their working arrangements which has helped many manage their work/ life balance allowing individuals to invest more time into their health and wellbeing.

Whilst we all enjoy the freedoms that working from home brings, like working in your pjs, it is important to make sure your work space is set up in a way that works for you:

Choose the right space

When deciding on where to set up your home office, it is important to find a space in your home where you won’t be easily disturbed or distracted. Identify space that is infrequently used such as a guest room. It is better if your work space can be behind closed doors, so you can participate in meetings without distractions as well as be able to close the door at the end of the day to give yourself the downtime you need.

Find an appropriate chair

Whilst it might be tempting to do your work from the comfort of your couch, finding a chair that is both comfortable and supportive is one of the best ways to ensure you are as productive as you can be. Select a chair that works best for you – is it the right height? Does it have arm rests? Maintaining good posture while working is highly important not just for you productivity but it will ultimately save your back in the long run.

Find a desk

Whether or not you have enough desk space in your working area will make a huge difference to your work life. Your desk should be large enough for your computer/s and keyboard, as well as having some extra space for any writing tasks you need to complete. A tip for if you lack desk space is to install some shelving above your desk for some extra storage.

Find your ideal computer setup

Do you work better with two monitors? Or are you someone who likes working off a laptop? If you normally work in an office, replicate your setup at home. Different things work for different people, so find what works for you and make sure it’s setup in a way that you like.

Minimise clutter

We’ve all heard it a million times before – a cluttered space is a cluttered mind – but it is true. Where possible, minimise the clutter you have in your work space. Clutter can be distracting so organising your equipment and supplies ensures that you’ll get more work done and improve productivity.

Consider lighting

Make sure that wherever you set up your home office you have access to plenty of natural light. Exposure to daylight has been seen to improve office workers’ overall well-being. Working without sufficient light can induce headaches and eye-strain, so ensure you are working in a well-lit area to improve productivity and health in the long-term

Make sure you’re connected to the internet

If there’s one thing worse than watching Netflix with slow internet, it’s working with slow internet. Not having a speedy internet connection will significantly slow you down in your work, which can be frustrating. Where possible make sure that your internet connection is sufficient for the work that you will be doing.