If you’re in your ideal location, you love your neighbourhood and your life in it, but your home just doesn’t cut it, it might be time to consider a knock-down rebuild.With land in suburbs close to Perth’s CBD becoming unattainable for many, knock-down rebuilds are becoming increasingly popular, and have been since the early 2000s. Perhaps your home needs a major face-lift, your growing family has left your home jam-packed, or you’re looking to downsize. Our lifestyles are always changing, and sometimes our existing homes just don’t fit the part. Consider a fresh start – here are some of the benefits of a knock-down rebuild.

You can stay in your much-loved location. Finding your dream home already established is a challenge in itself; finding it in your ideal suburb is a whole other battle. The perfect neighbourhood is hard to come by, so if you love the one you’re already in, why not stay there? WIth land in developed suburbs close to the city becoming pricey, moving into your dream home in your current suburb may not be a reality. The main benefit of a knock-down rebuild is being able to stay put, in a suburb in which you might not have been able to afford an established home. Enjoy the beneifts of a brand-new home while staying in the location you know and love; it’s a win-win situation.



Anyone who has renovated knows it’s a battle. If your home needs some serious love, you might be considering multiple renovations. Renovations are time-consuming and labour intensive, and can present significant costs. They require you to work around your home’s existing structure, which often presents unexpected challenges and costs. Plus, maintenance of a brand-new home can be much more cost-effective than an old home, considering everything is brand new and under warranty.


Starting from scratch means you can do anything you want; your home is your oyster. You can build the home of your dreams exactly as you imagined it, from the floor plan to the colour of the walls. You have full control – you can change all the things that didn’t quite work for you in your previous home.


Wiping the slate clean means you have the flexibility to design the home to your exact needs. If your family is growing, you can add the needed space. By creating your dream home yourself, not only can you choose a floor plan that works best for you and your lifestyle, but also the colours and features you love most. Rebuilding means you are in control – there are no nasty surprises.


With the concept of sustainability influencing us on a global level, more of us are trying to minimise our impact. Rebuilding your home allows you to up your home’s sustainability game in ways renovation cannot. “The importance of sustainable design is becoming a major factor for our clients,” Joseph Calasara, Webb and Brown-Neaves Innovation and New Product Designer said. By insulating your walls, floors, and roof, you can keep your home at an ideal temperature without using as much energy. You can also position your new home in a way that maximises exposure in winter and shade in summer. New sustainable methods won’t only decrease your home’s carbon footprint, but also your energy use – a financial win.

And it’s not only about the efficiency, but also the interior design. “This isn’t just limited to the building materials or how energy efficient the home is – it also applies to sustainable interiors where the overall home design is flexible and grows with the occupants,” Joseph explained.


Perhaps you’re on the other side of the coin, and your home is too big. Maybe your children have moved out, your house isn’t age proof, or you just can’t keep up with the housework. If you’re looking to downsize, subdividing might be the best option for you.
The recent change in rezoning regulations has made it easier to subdivide. If you’ve got a big block of land, and you’re looking to downsize, this is a great opportunity to move into a smaller house in the same area, while making the most of your land. Always check with your local council for your area’s regulations regarding rezoning.


You now have two (or more!) houses, and you’ve got several options. You can live in one and sell or rent out the other. If you have extended family or young adult children, your family members can live in the other home. Or you can sell both, and get a better return on your originally single block of land! If you’re thinking about downsizing, subdividing is a great opportunity, and there are so many options when it comes to the second house.


It is not uncommon for home buyers to be discouraged from rebuilding as it can be daunting. While there is no doubt there are challenges, choosing the right builder will make the process a simple one. At Webb and Brown-Neaves, we build every home like it’s our own, and we aim to make the process as smooth as possible for you. With your home personally backed by our owner Dale Alcock, you’re in safe hands when you build with us.